Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

For women everywhere this day marks the celebration of everything we love... chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! I'm not your typical Valentine. I enjoy sending cards to people I love with special touches but I don't understand all the fuss. Yes, that's right, you heard it... fuss. In elementary school Valentine's day was about getting lots of candy, having a party and hoping that your classroom crush would give you a valentine. Not much has changed since those days, we replace the candy with jewelry and the party with a nice romantic dinner but the crush stays the same. I wish instead of gifts we'd remember to tell people how much they mean to us and how much we love them.

I'll admit, I love presents but what makes Valentine's day so great is that our love is our gift! Sure, I'll gladly accept a box of Godiva truffles and a night on the town but it's expected on Valentine's day. Save the gifts for a "just because" day and shower your loved ones with verbal praise! (That sounded a bit like an infomercial!) Kyle and I didn't shop for treasures this year. We spent all day together watching movies and relaxing. His gift to me was making my favorite breakfast food, waffles. And my gift to him was splurging at our favorite burger joint, Don's Drive-In for lunch... a great $22.00 well spent!

Now I don't want to be pegged as a hypocrite, I never said anything negative about dining out for the holiday. Just remember, burgers and shakes are just as exciting as filet mignon and tiramisu. And as Christina said, "it's a day we don't have to do the dishes!"

I hope your Valentine's Day was everything you imagined and remember to tell everyone in your life how important they are! xoxoxoxo...

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