Saturday, February 2, 2008

Breakfast shmeakfast

Recent commercials and advertisements have stressed what our parents have told us since day one... well really not day one but at least since we were old enough to eat solid food. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." I'll be the first to admit it, I love breakfast food. I could have eggs, pancakes, waffles, omelettes, hash browns any time, many times, through out the day. When Kyle and I were completing our wedding registry I had lots of fun finding great gadgets and gizmos for this particular meal. Our greatest find (gift we recieved) was from my dearest Christina. One whom I've spent many a Saturday and Sunday mornings with eating one of life's simplest and sweetest indulgences... WAFFLES! Our wonderful Cuisinart Belgian 4-slice Waffle Iron does everything except for putting on the butter and the syrup. To our dismay, they have since discontinued the model however if you visit the Cuisinart Web Store they still have a few left!

Waffles date back to Medieval times where thin wafers were cooked between two irons connected by a hinge and each having a wooden arm. These irons were decorated with a family crest or a rural landscape. The modern waffle iron was not invented until the 20th century and they certainly do not have the pizazz of the ancient irons! There is extensive history for the waffle and lots of internet experts on the delicious breakfast treat.
Try googling "waffles" and you'll see what I mean!

For an interesting take on "street vendor food" visit this link and watch the video! Red Rooster Waffles has taken the waffle to a whole new level! They could be popping up in a city near you!

What's the purpose of this post? To inspire all you children at heart to break out those waffle irons, whip up some batter, heat the up griddle and ladle on the syrup! I wanted to share the joy of one of my favorite breakfast foods and pay a small, yet well deserved tribute to the waffle.

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