Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Murphy's Manic Monday (...on Thursday)

If you can believe that our lives were turned upside down for the past four weeks believe it. It wasn't a stressful time (well not all of it) but it has been very busy. Going here, being there, seeing them, helping her, calling him, yada yada yada. So in that busy time, especially this last week, I hadn't taken many pictures of Murphy and the times when I needed to- like when he got into the faux moss at the base of a tree and dragged it all out into the living room or when he would go into our closet and drag out my shoes one at a time- I wasn't thinking about taking a picture I was thinking about teaching a lesson.

However we have had a major growth spurt... Murphy's ears are getting to be huge and because they are not proportionate to his head they easily get flipped inside out. The first time I saw this I took a picture with my Blackberry and when he was sleeping the other day I took these two pictures. We're not sure if he realizes they are like this or if he does realize but doesn't care... that's totally Murph.

He is so cute sleeping, and still cute when he is awake but if you wake him up or disturb him from his rest he snorts like a little piglet! Notice the ear!

This was a few minutes later when he woke up, that ear is still flipped out! But so cute!!

And if you can't tell already by the scenery around him during most of these pictures he loves our mud room area with the cool tile floor. In this picture he couldn't decide whether to chew on the carpet we have down as a rug or my flip flops... did I tell you he ate through a pair of those cheapy Old Navy ones!

I'll take more pictures this weekend as we venture out. I'm debating on bringing him to the farmers market on Saturday for a little Socialization Field Trip.

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