Monday, January 7, 2008

What are we entitled to?

My goal for this blog is to bring something interesting (whether it is a picture, million-dollar idea, quote, weather pattern or new found bread slicer) to this blog each day. I was going to blog today about tattoos and the talent tattoo artists have after watching the show LA Ink for the first time last night but I couldn't really draw any thought-provoking words out of my fingers about tattooing tonight.

However, at the gym I had a nice conversation with someone about a very different topic. We were talking about how we assume or expect, as humans, to be entitled to some things. The definition of entitle itself is illusive, just as the idea of entitlement. What, if anything, are we entitled to? Fresh air, water, 80-years of life, happiness?

Some feel that we are entitled to our next breath and that they will wake to a new day each morning with the security of a tomorrow. In reality that's not how life works. I heard a great line from the movie The Kingdom, "life is finite." We are not entitled to our next breath and each moment is precious.

So really, what are we entitled to? One thing is for sure... the opportunity to pursue a personal relationship with God. Each day he invites us to come closer to Him. Through this love we are infinite and through this love we are entitled to His Kingdom.

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