Sunday, September 7, 2008

Designing Graphically

For Nick and Mel's wedding I had a blast graphic designing their wedding stationary- escort cards, table names, wedding program and menu cards. There is this creepy sort of feeling that I get when I see how all the little details intertwine to compliment the vision as a whole. Even though I did not design their invite it was the muse, along with Melissa, for the rest of the ensemble.

I can't tell you how much I love iStock photo. Okay, I can, but it may be creepy too! I've learned that you can find almost anything on that site, especially vector images that are all completed and royalty free. (In other words it may take me a little time to locate just exactly what I am looking for but it can save oodles of time compared to creating the file.) With that last statement in mind, trying to find just the right graphic for the Erikson's was a gong show. Almost 8 hours into my search over multiple days I finally found it... should I have known how long this would have taken me I would have created the file but oh well.

So back to the point of this entry... once I found the graphic I fell in love with the typeface Helinda Rook. Since my early scrapbooking days fonts have been a passion and combined with the right weight, kerning and size you can work magic. When you pair Helinda with Garamond (my favorite font in the world) it's like a childrens choir singing at St. Paul's cathedral in London... too carried away? Sorry! But Mel and Nick chose Futura for their invite and that sick feeling I have told me to "make it work." Thus their wedding monogram/logo was developed and Futura is now a close second to Garamond.

Once the graphic and fonts were chosen I had to develop colors and layout. This is where my fun truly begins. I'm all for traditional engraving and black ink but why not throw a splash of color and offset the centered? Now I've never had any formal training, unless you count the hours I've watched my dad and now my husband create, so be kind. However as my first truly custom design for ADIM clients I was exceptionally pleased. Enjoy!!

This is the cover to the program. The programs themselves were printed on a Natural VIA paper with smooth texture and they were bound in the upper left corner with varied ribbons.

The them if you will was a vintage romance which you will see in the photos Jen took on her blog and the floral silhouette provided just enough femininity for the bold monogram.

The first page of the program was an invitation to the guests and throughout the program the floral motif was used in various locations, sizes and rotations to carry the theme through. Even though I believe design elements should be carried through all pieces the floral graphic was different. A marriage ceremony is sacred and personal. I did not use the floral graphic anywhere else in order to signify the importance of the ceremony and how honored we were to be invited as witnessed to Nick and Melissa's love and commitment to one another.

On the wedding invitation, bachelorette party invite, wedding cake, pie stands and menu card was a polka dot theme in chocolate brown. I loved the simplicity of the design and how sophisticated it was.

For the table names and escort cards Mel and Nick came up with important locations/memories to them with a story and photo. Each table card was 8x8 and spray mounted to foam core with a green stock background and were rested on glossy chocolate brown table easles. Each image was printed on glossy photo paper and sprayed to withstand humidity.

The escort cards coordinated to the tables and guests were allowed to choose their individual seats. The table cards were a great way for Nick and Mel to tell parts of their story to their guests and tied into the vintage theme excellently.

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